Bradford Wellness & Spa, LLC
2101 Enterprise Drive NE
Leland, NC 28451 USA
Tax ID. 81-3825869
When you use the services on our website, you may be asked to provide personal details and contact information. Your personal details will be stored and processed in accordance with U.S. data protection laws.
We will store your email address for marketing and research purposes. We will not pass on your personal details (postal address, email address, telephone number) to any third party without your express consent. This does not apply to any companies within the Bradford Products family, our suppliers or service partners, where these require the above information in order to process an order (e.g., the manufacturer of the goods, the shipping company commissioned to deliver the goods, or the bank responsible for handling payment). In such cases, however, the personal details shared will be restricted to the necessary minimum.
Bradford Wellness & Spa would like to thank their partner companies for the use of their images. Partners include Setz, Carmenta, INViiON, Sommerhuber, Unbescheiden, Gharieni. Bradford Wellness & Spas thanks the following hotels for use of their imagery: Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, Mandarin Oriental Las Vegas, Mooshof Bodenmais, Paradis Latsch, Quellenhof St. Martin, Sihlpark Schindellegi, Sparkingling Hill Kelowna, Fitness Center Bronschhofen. Images ©2018 Bradford Wellness & Spa
References and links For direct or indirect references to external web pages outside the author`s area of responsibility, liability obligations only become effective if the author is aware of the content and it would be technically possible and reasonable for him to avoid the use in case of illegal contents. Bradford Wellness & Spa states that the corresponding linked pages were free of any illegal content at the time that the link was created. Bradford Wellness & Spa has no influence over the current or future content or authorship of the linked web pages. Bradford Wellness & Spa therefore expressly distances themselves from all contents of linked pages, which have been changed or altered since the creation of the link. The same applies to all links within our webpage as well as references and entries made by foreign parties in guest books, discussion forums, link indexes, and mailing lists created by the author.
For illegal, offensive or incomplete contents and damages which are caused by the use or non-use of such presented information, only the supplier of linked the website is responsible.